The first edition of the Home Away from Home Essay Contest for foreign friends with a China story ended in November 2021. Fifty-five contestants from 31 countries shared their unique China stories. These stories were shared on international social media such as Facebook and Instagram and gained widespread attention from overseas media and the public. Stories were then translated into Chinese and released through public social accounts and traditional media in China, which received warm responses and praise. A collection of the stories will be published by Foreign Languages Press soon.
首届家外之家外国友人中国故事征文大赛已于 2021 年 11 月落下帷幕,来自世界各地 31个国家的 55 位参赛者分享了属于他们的独特中国故事。这些故事通过Facebook、Instagram等海外社交媒体向全世界传播,获得了海外媒体和民众的广泛关注。而后又翻译成中文在国内通过公众号和传统媒体发布,得到热烈反响和好评。2021年的征文作品将由外文出版社结集出版。
This activity aims to collect China stories by foreigners, show a real, authentic, and comprehensive China to the world, change stereotypes and prejudices about Chinese culture and Chinese people, and enhance understanding and friendship between China and foreign countries. The second edition of the Home Away from Home essay contest will usher in a comprehensive upgrade to encourage more foreign friends to share their unique China stories. All foreign friends in China are welcome to participate actively.
In order to avoid ambiguity in understanding, the Chinese name of this essay contest is changed to《我在中国的家》 Chinese Story Essay Contest, and the English name remains unchanged.
为避免理解产生歧义,本次征文大赛的中文名称改为《我在中国的家》征文大赛,英文名称保持不变,仍然是 Home Away from Home Essay Contest.

Suitable participants:
Foreign citizens who are legally residing in China.
Theme and requirements
The contest’s theme : MY HOME in China
Requirement:1) The content of the article needs to include a concise and clear self-introduction at the beginning (name, nationality, occupation, residence time in China) and an introduction about their home country (hometown) at the end of the article.
2) The topic is self-designed, the genre is not limited, and the number of words is 800~1000 words or a similar length of characters in any language! Please include at least three photos of yourself in China or landscapes of the city where you live, taken by yourself. Please send us a Word file and remember to include your WeChat ID and phone number for us to contact you. Your personal data won’t be disclosed without your permission.
3) The 2nd edition of the Home Away from Home Essay Contest encourages participants to submit articles and attach a short video of 2~4 minutes. The video content must be related to the theme in your story. You can show us the city, the food, or your activities there. Please hold your phone horizontally to make the video. Attaching a video is optional, but it will give you a bonus point for the final classification.
4) Submission email:
Suggested themes:
1. Why did you choose to live in this city, and which part of the city attracts you the most;
2. What fascinates you most about living in this city;
3. Your favorite city attractions and local food;
4. A unique experience/person that makes this city your home away from home;
5. Please share at least 3 photos to illustrate the story, and please show us your cute face in 1 of the three at least.
6. What is your project in China or your “China dream”?
1. 你为什么选择居住在这座城市,这座城市哪一点最吸引你;
2. 在这座城市生活最让你着迷的是什么;
3. 你最喜欢的城市景点、特色美食;
4. 告诉我们一些让你更喜欢居住在这座城市的独特经历;
5. 请分享3一张个人靓照或者个人拍摄的照片,用以说明当时的故事;
6. 你在中国的计划/你的“中国梦”是什么?
Save these dates
Call for works and online selection:
April 8, 2022 to July 31, 2022
Expert review:
August 8, 2022 ~ August 31, 2022
Winner announcement:
September 8, 2022
A total of 6 authors will be entitled to our prizes.
1st Prize (1 Winner)
¥5000 + Translation coupon (worth¥200) + Mystery Prize
Second Prize (2 Winners)
¥2000 + Translation coupon (worth¥200) + Mystery Prize
3rd Prize (3 Winners)
¥1000 + Translation coupon (worth¥200) + Mystery Prize
Internet Popularity Award
¥1500 + Mystery Prize
Plus, all participants will receive a commemorative prize and Participation in lucky draws to win prizes from our sponsors.
MTS will donate 200 yuan per story received to support the education of disadvantaged rural youths.
Winners Selection Rules
The winner of the Internet Popularity Award will be chosen exclusively (100%) from the votes the story gets from social media scoring (explained below).
The winners of the 1st prize, 2nd two prizes, and 3rd three prizes will be chosen by the following system:
Social media (50%) + expert review (50%), combined score.
Social media scoring stage
During the process of collecting works, they will be published on social media. According to the number of social media readings and likes, the works with the highest scores will be selected to win the “Internet Popularity Award” set by the event.
Expert review stage
According to the social media scoring weight of 50% and the expert review scoring weight accounting for 50%, the top 6 will be selected as the event’s first, second, and third prize winning works.
MTS Official WeChat account, Babel Tower Official WeChat account and Yi Jiantang WeChat account number of Article reads + number of likes(25%)
Foreign Social Media likes Facebook + Instagram(25%)
Expert Review(50%)
社交媒体+专家评审,综合得分。社交媒体评分阶段作品征集过程中,将会陆续发表到海内外社交媒体上,最终依据社交媒体阅读量及点赞量,评选出分数最高的作品获得活动设置的“网络人气奖”。 专家评审阶段按照社交媒体评分权重占比50%(国内25%,国外25%),专家评审评分权重占比50%,综合两者数据,选出前6名作为活动一等奖、二等奖、三等奖获奖作品。
精艺达公众号+巴别塔公众号+墨责公众号文章阅读量 + 点赞量(25%)
国外社交媒体文章点赞量Facebook + Instagram(25%)
☉ The submitted content must be original.
☉ In the selection stage, any form of cheating is prohibited, found cheaters will be disqualified, and we will be sad.
☉ The ownership and publishing rights of relevant text, photos, videos and other materials during the event belong to the event organizer.
☉ Winners cannot win multiple prizes. If the prizes conflict, the highest prize will prevail, and the other prize will be automatically transferred to the next participant.
☉ The final interpretation right of the event belongs to the organizer.
☉ Third-party use of the stories and pictures has to seek approval from the organizer.
☉ 投稿内容必须是原创。
☉ 评选阶段,禁止任何形式的作弊行为,一经发现即取消参赛资格。
☉ 活动期间有关的文字、照片、视频等资料的所有权和发布权归活动主办方所有。
☉ 获奖者不可重复获奖,若奖项冲突,以最高金额奖项为准,另一奖项自动让渡给下一位参与者。
☉ 活动最终解释权归主办方所有。
☉ 任何第三方必须征得我们的批准才可转载故事。