MTS recently had the pleasure of sponsoring and participating in the second dodgeball tournament to happen in Xiamen! In total, 5 teams consisting of both foreigners and locals from various companies and social groups participated in the tournament.

To start the day off right, the first match saw MTS squaring off against Mu Zhi Sen. The match was heated and intense with both teams having only one player being left in the game and battling to win. In the end, Mu Zhi Sen won and MTS graciously lost to their opponents. The second match was between the CodiaQ Purple Pandas and Latinos FC and it was during this match that the teams and bystanders were introduced to the ferocious and eventual winners, Latinos FC.
首先,第一场比赛是精艺达对阵木之森。比赛异常激烈,两队都只剩一名球员在场中激烈角逐。最终,木之森获胜,精艺达惜败。第二场比赛是 CodiaQ Purple Pandas 和 Latinos FC 之间的比赛。正是在这场比赛中,各队伍和观众都一睹了最终获胜队 Latinos FC 的勇猛风采。

Even though MTS only won one match, the team, led by captain Luz, tried their best and showed excellent sportsmanship. In the end, team Dodge This came third after having somewhat of a rough start due to a lack of team members. CodiaQ Purple Pandas fought valiantly to finish strongly in second place with the well-deserved winners being Latinos FC.
尽管精艺达只赢了一场比赛,但在队长Luz的带领下,队员们竭尽全力,展现了优异的体育精神。最终, Dodge This 获得第三名,此前该队由于缺少队员,开局有些不顺。CodiaQ Purple Pandas 英勇奋战,强势斩获季军,而冠军的宝座则是当之无愧的 Latinos FC。

Overall, the tournament was nothing short of fun. It was a great experience to not only compete but also catch up with old friends and meet new ones! As for the MTS dodgeball team, since we want to win next time, we begin practice every Thursday at 7PM so be there or be square.

Last but not least, thanks one more time to JQ from JQ Nation for organizing fun events for our community.
最后,再次感谢来自JQ Nation的JQ为我们大家组织了这场比赛。
作者:Jevon 翻译:余欣阳